Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Busy Week

As I went to bed Sunday night I told Jonathan that I almost felt like this was the first week of School. I cannot believe that Summer is over and the Fall semester is starting.

Yesterday was the first official day of Dance classes for Circle of Praise! I was so excited to see all the girls again. Classes went well, and I am ready to see all that God has planned for this upcoming year. We are working towards a ministry date in October, so we started off our first day with Choreography and I think the girls are really going to enjoy it.

Julie and I also started going to a Turbo Kick class in the mornings. It's three mornings a week, so hopefully we will be toned and in shape by the end of the 4 month class. :) I am a little sore today, but not to bad. (I only danced for 3 hours after working out for an hour yesterday morning)

Life has been busy lately and it really has me thinking about what is important. I have been so blessed in my life to have some amazing opportunities. It's always hard to say no to the good in search of what is best. There is a verse that I came across in my quiet time the other day that really has been stuck in my head lately so I thought I would share it.

2 Chronicles 31:21
Every work which he began in the service of the house of God in law and in commandment, seeking his God, he did with all his heart and prospered.

My prayer is that every work which I begin will prosper. What God has really been trying to teach me is that I need to seek God in everything and work at what he has called me to do both by his word, and by his calling on my life with all my heart. Sometimes for me that means eliminating the "good" so I can focus on the "best".

The problem is that so often we are tied to the "good" because of relationships and it's hard to let go because we don't want to hurt someone, or maybe worse feel as if we are being rejected by them. Crazy how that works! My quiet time this morning was on rejection. I think it's so easy to get caught up in what the world says is important, often at the sacrifice of what God is calling us to do.

My challenge to you:
Seek out God's best in your life, Work at it with all your heart, and seek God in everything you do.

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