Thursday, August 7, 2008

Not Ready for Bed

So, as I sit here Zachary has decided that he is not ready for bed yet. It's 9:20 and my 7 month old baby is playing quietly on the floor while I check my email and update this blog.

We've been traveling a lot this summer and last week in Destin his schedule got all messed up. He was going to bed by 9pm and sleeping till almost 8am before the trip began. However, now he doesn't want to go to bed till 10 and he wants to wake up twice during the night. Last night he cried for about 2 hours as I listened from the other room. I am trying to let him "cry it out" but I lay awake constantly trying to decide if I should just feed him so that I can get to sleep. I am just taking it one night at a time. He did sleep till 7:30 this morning so there is hope that he will be back on schedule soon.

Tomorrow Zachary and I are going to visit his great grandmother in Ft. Smith. We don't get to see her very much so it will be an exciting trip. Hopefully I will have some pictures to share after we get back!

Well, I am off to bed. Zach is finally asleep and I am hoping for a good night's sleep!

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